Part 1: Introduction to midwifery
Chapter 1: The role and function of the midwife in South Africa
Part 2: Anatomy and physiology
Chapter 2: The reproductive cycle: fertilisation, implantation and early fetal development
Chapter 3: Anatomy of the female pelvis, perineum, and pelvic floor
Chapter 4: The placenta and aminiotic fluid
Chapter 5: The mature fetus
Part 3: Normal pregnancy
Chapter 6: Physiological and psychological adaptation during pregnancy
Chapter 7: Antenatal care
Chapter 8: Assessment of the family during pregnancy
Chapter 9: Antenatal screening of the mother and fetus
Chapter 10: Childbirth education
Chapter 11: Assessment of the fetal status using the cardiotocograph
Part 4: Normal labour
Chapter 12: Changes during the first stage of labour
Chapter 13: Assessment and care during the first stage of labour
Chapter 14: Assessment and care during the second and third stage of labour
Chapter 15: Resuscitation of the newborn
Part 5: Normal puerperium
Chapter 16: The normal puerperium
Chapter 17: Baby feeding
Chapter 18: The normal newborn baby
Part 6: High-risk pregnancy, labour and puerperium
Chapter 19: Haemorrhage in early pregnancy and antepartum haemorrhage
Chapter 20: Hyperemesis gravidarum
Chapter 21: Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy
Chapter 22: Rhesus incompatibility
Chapter 23: Abnormalities of the placenta, umbilical cord, membranes, and amniotic fluid
Chapter 24: Medical conditions during pregnancy and labour
Chapter 25: Intra-uterine death (stillbirths)
Chapter 26: Prolonged labour and precipitate and obstructed labour
Chapter 27: Abnormalities of fetal lie, presentation and position
Chapter 28: Multiple pregnancies
Chapter 29: Prolapse of the umbilical cord
Chapter 30: Prelabour/preterm rupture of membranes and preterm labour and prolonged pregnancies
Chapter 31: Shoulder dystocia
Chapter 32: Postpartum haemorrhage, injuries to the genital tract, amniotic fluid embolism and shock
Chapter 33: Complications of the puerperium
Chapter 34: Operative obstetrics
Chapter 35: Maternal and perinatal mortality