Our commitment to being accessible, affordable and African can be seen in our catalogue of over 400 titles written for the South African context: teaching and learning materials that speak to local conditions and digital resources that are accessible to all.
Inspection Copies
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- Direct sales to your institution
- Developing custom publications from one or more Van Schaik titles for your specific course
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When evaluating a title, these are are some criteria to consider:
Please note: For courses with student numbers of fewer than 50, a maximum of 2 inspection copies may be provided per lecturer.
Prescribing a Van Schaik Publishers textbook
If you have reviewed one of our titles and would like to prescribe it for a course, please inform your institution or department’s booklist administrator and Van Schaik Publishers. If your department does not have a booklist administrator, please contact your campus bookstore:
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- Your academic content consultant will also ensure that you have access to any resource material available for the title, and can also guide you through any specific requirements that you may have (custom publications, technology needs, desk copies, etc.).
- You can elect to be involved in reviewing new editions or providing feedback to Van Schaik Publishers, ensuring that future editions accommodate your specific requirements.
We strive to provide support material to time-stricken academics, and lecturer support material is available for many of our titles. This may include PowerPoint slides and question banks.
Where resources are available, details are indicated on the book’s Resources tab (in the Catalogue section of this website). The material available varies from book to book, and may also be developed further over time. If resources are not available, the Resources tab will not appear.
Please click here to request access to lecturer support material for a Van Schaik Publishers book that you prescribe.
We welcome any suggestions regarding new or additional resources. For any queries or feedback on available resources, please contact your academic content consultant.
Please note: Student requests for support material will not be entertained and any attempts by students to access lecturer support material will be reported to the student’s lecturer or to the Head of Department.
Academic Content Consultants
Our team of subject-specialised academic content consultants will work closely with you to identify material suitable for your course, to resolve any questions that you may have, and to provide any support that you may need.
Jacky Duffield (Sales Manager)
T: +27 12 342 2765
C: +27 60 583 4701
Email: Jacky.Duffield@vanschaiknet.com
Disciplines: Accounting • Economics • Business Communication • Business Statistics • Human Resource Management • Management • Marketing, Operations & Supply Chain • Tourism • Reference, Research & Student Support
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T: +27 12 342 2765
C: +27 83 357 1628
Email: PenelopeM@vanschaiknet.com
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C: +27 78 277 9511
Email: Sibusiso.Mthimunye@vanschaiknet.com
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T: +27 12 342 2765
C: +27 83 378 9595
Email: Phindiwe.Sibeko@vanschaiknet.com
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